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Triglycerides - Labcorp


LabCorp Test #: 001172, CPT: 84478

Evaluate turbid samples of blood, plasma, and serum; work up of chylomicronemia; evaluate hyperlipidemia; occasional cases of diabetes mellitus and/or pancreatitis are detected by hypertriglyceridemia. High levels may occur with hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndromes, carbohydrate-sensitive hypertriglyceridemia, glycogen storage disease, and in hyperlipoproteinemias type I, IIb, III, IV, and V. Some alcoholics have hypertriglyceridemia which disappears with abstinence. Extremely high triglyceride levels may occur with alcohol abuse. Triglyceride is needed for calculation of LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) concentration. Disturbances in triglyceride metabolism relate to diabetes and are a risk factor for atherosclerotic disease, but not an independent one.

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