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Deoxycortisol LabCorp
LabCorp Test #: 500550, CPT: 82634

11-Deoxycortisol is the immediate precursor of cortisol and follows the same catabolic pathways as cortisol. The conversion of 11-deoxycortisol to cortisol is inhibited by metyrapone, which acts on 11-B-hydroxylase. The metyrapone test serves as a reliable and sensitive indicator of pituitary ACTH secretory reserve. The 11-deoxycortisol levels normally increase to 100 times the control value following metyrapone administration. Reduced response occurs in patients with hypoadrenalism or with hypopituitarism and in some patients with diseases of the hypothalamus. Patients with myxedema, some pregnant patients, and those on oral contraceptives respond poorly.